To everyone who has asked what happened to me over the last several weeks, thanks. A lot of responsibilities escalated suddenly--work and parental responsibilities, primarily--that made blogging seem like an expensive luxury.
But that's not the whole story. I also needed a break to take stock of what I've been doing with my life, blogging included. My conclusion? I'd like to continue writing Arms and Influence--but only if there's an audience. If I'm just talking to myself, I'd rather not pour time into an elaborate series of personal reflections on national security. If people are reading the blog, and want to continue a dialogue about national security, I'll return to regular posts.
Therefore, you, Dear Reader, hold the fate of Arms and Influence in your hands. I'll base my decision, to a large extent, on the responses to the survey below. The number of responses is as important as the Yes, No, or Don't care choices. If you feel very motivated to help keep this blog on track, send people over here to answer the survey.
Meanwhile, I'll do a little posting soon. One topic I'd like to discuss is an idea for a military history project. I'd love to hear your suggestions, criticisms, etc.