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virgil xenophon

Unfortunately for the writer of this blog a large part of his argument is undercut by the fact that the fastest growing segment of the PRC's ship construction program is the build-up of their amphibious capability which,
combined with an unabated build-up and placement of SRBM/MRBM's opposite Taiwan, does
not bode well for the future.

virgil xenophon

Unfortunately for the writer of this blog a large part of his argument is undercut by the fact that the fastest growing segment of the PRC's ship construction program is the build-up of their amphibious capability which,
combined with an unabated build-up and placement of SRBM/MRBM's opposite Taiwan, does
not bode well for the future.

Sven Ortmann

Hi, Sven here. I found you through technorati.

I wrote that post because I personally was very surprised by the huge potential that's concentrated in East Asia. The PR China is strong in both shipbuilding and electronics - the two essential bases for a naval arms race.

The USA otherwise everybody seems to take its naval supremacy granted for another generation - imports more industrial goods than it manufactures and has apparently less shipbuilding capacity than Poland.

I felt that it was about time to show facts like these, which are very contrary to conventional wisdom.
The actual PRC naval powers/strategy to date was not important to me - and it isn't if we dare to look 20 years ahead. Combat ships remain modern for at most 20 years, and are outdated/out of service after 30 years.

beats by dre it

This is all very new to me and this article really opened my eyes. Thanks for sharing with us your wisdom.

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