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You would think shipping in 30,000 additional troops next door in Iraq, stationing a second aircraft carrier in the nearby Persian Gulf, detaining 5 mid-level Iranian diplomats in Iraq, and getting Tehran's key financiers - China and Russia - to vote in favor of two UNSC resolutions against Iran would constitute signficant leverage for the US that could be used in favor of reaching (at least) the conditions under which diplomacy could begin.

Our diplomatic strategy at the moment has consisted of the most stringent efforts to isolate and pressure Iran. How Iran is managing its threat perception in light of US strategy - particularly when one considers the fact that this same strategy succesfully sunk us into a grueling conflict in post-war Iraq - is the million dollar question.

Steven Taylor

I have gotten to the point where I am not sure that "strategy" and "Bush administration" really have much in common,

And, I will confess to having voted for him.


Isolating Iran is fine, as long as there's a step #2. That's what I don't see.


But "step #2" meaning what? More deployment of strategic assets to the Gulf region? Direct diplomacy with Tehran? In the hopes of achieving what?

Frankly, I don't think we know what precisely it is we want from the Iranians in the end, save not producing a nuclear arsenal. It's all the little steps involved in how to get there that aren't adding up. At most, I think our situation in Iraq is doing more to undermine the credibility of our military deterent threat vis-a-vis Iran than actions we aren't taking.


It's all aimed at a domestic audience. Acting tough towards Iran keeps the mob happy. Its actual effect on Iran is irrelevant.


I'm not sure which mob you're referring to. I can't see threating further military involvement in the region makes anyone happy, except the guys and gals selling beans and bullets to Uncle Sam.


Mattyp, it's the 25% hardcore, plus a media which has swallowed administration to an amazing degree (considering the Iraq war run-up).

beats by dre it

This is all very new to me and this article really opened my eyes. Thanks for sharing with us your wisdom.

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