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I'm reading Roger Trinquier’s classic "Modern Warfare: A French View of Counterinsurgency" right now - got it on a loan from a colleague. It's disturbingly direct and clear on his view of how to handle the insurgents - with an iron glove and clear objectives. It both notes why large-scale sweeps, isolated ambushes, and outposts don't work (American military leaders must have missed that part) and states very clearly how to lock down on the public, if you want to win the fight. I'm still only half way through, so I'm sure there are more gems in this book. Good Parameters article addressing both Trinquier's book and Galula's book here -

I think the reason why the Army likes these books is because they emphasize the point that an army can win against a counterinsurgency, if it has the right strategy, resources, backing, and (most of all) time. Not sure if this is blinding them to the larger strategic goal or not - maybe that's not their concern, they just want to know what operational and tactical methods are required to meet the administration's strategic objective. And that is what good Army officers train to do, but it's unfortunate in the sense that even their studies won't help if the national strategy and its goals are flawed.

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