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This is a great speech. I always wondered where the "swimmers/nonswimmers" quote came from. Maybe Alex over at DraftZinni can get us our decoder rings and cards.

Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg

The Zinni fan-club badges are on order! I was going to get decoder rings, but I didn't have the security clearance...

Here are some more high-quality Zinni interviews and speeches:
GLOBAL VIEWPOINT's interview of Anthony Zinni:

The Military in a Changing World part of Berkley University's conversations with history series. Also available in streaming video:

This is from a speach just prior to the War given to the Florida Economic Club:

This is an interview on Sign on San Diego

I really should start to put together a comprehensive list of his appearances, speeches, etc. But it'll probablly have to wait until I switch from blogger...

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