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Good points.

You might want to also include the South American kidnapping industry as another example of non-revolutionary "terrorists".

An example for line two of your table might be the Russian nihilists, if I read you rightly.

A good example of multiple enemies is Jugoslavia during WW2, there were both anti-Nazi and anti-Soviet partisans. These groups ofter fought each other if no one else was around.

On the practice side, I agree with your ideas for both Iraq and Afganistan, and it seems that more of what you suggest is happening in Iraq, probably because the local government is a bit more powerful than Karzai's.

George Carty

Actually, WW2 Yugoslavia was a three-way conflict:

1. The German occupiers and their Croat Ustashe stooges
2. The Chetniks (Serb nationalists, anti-German and anti-Communist)
3. The Partisans (communist)

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No one would compromise that. Im still waiting for positive results.

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