Immediately after 9/11, a lot of people--myself included--wanted to know how they might contribute their skills to the effort to defeat al Qaeda. Unfortunately, there was no such call for recruits--either in an official or volunteer status. Not even a WWII-style scrap drive.
Instead, we were told in late 2001 that it was our civic duty to go shopping.
I know it's hard to "ramp up" an expanded intelligence-gathering effort. This article in The New York Times details, step by step, what it will take to expand the directorate of operations (spies) by 30%. CIA Director George Tenet's estimates that it will take another five years to recruit, train, and deploy these agents.
Meanwhile, some pretty unqualified candidates managed to find their way into government service--including a top IT person in the new Department of Homeland Security. While some parts of the US government have been struggling fill new slots with qualified personnel, people with bogus degrees from diploma mills have found their way into key positions the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Transportation Security Agency, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security--all key players in counterterrorism.
Um, er...I hate to keep bringing this up, but why does the Bush Administration seem to have this allergy for expert opinion?
rmtなどがそうだ。rmt リネージュ2これらMMORPGといわれるオンラインゲームは、リネージュ2 rmt1つのサーバーに数千人のプレイヤーが同時にログインしゲームを行なっている。ここでいうサーバーとは、物理的なサーバーではない。MMORPGでは、rmt とはサーバーやワールドと呼ばれる単位で複数の同じ世界が存在する。アトランティカ RMT3万人が同時に1つのサーバへアクセスすると処理が重くなってしまうrmt aion
Posted by: ff14rmt | 12/29/2010 at 00:52