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Craig Hubley

I'm surprised you don't list the number one and two benefits of alliances: intelligence and diplomatic reach. It is quite often the case that Libya will talk to Italy, Syria to France, China to Canada, Egypt to Turkey, Iran to Russia, much more frankly than to the US. Having only one set of eyes from one angle on the battlefield is a very poor plan. Even if you can't rely on the intelligence, you can combine many perspectives and get a better statistical picture of what's going on, since *all* these allies won't be cooperating to distort the picture in any one way.

In cases where terrorist networks are involved, it's even more critical. Cells operating in Hamburg or in Madrid aren't going to be detected or broken up if they don't threaten the country they're in, unless diplomatic pressure and alliances are quite strong. A shipment of explosives for Somalia got stopped in Greece. What if it hadn't been? Oil tankers and warships blown up, that's what. Greece therefore isn't an optional ally to be assessed based on its troop strengths, it's a mandatory ally to be assessed based on its contacts and central position in the Mediterranean shipping industry. It's interests are aligned with the US's in terms of keeping all ships moving, so you may not need to prod much to get the job done, but you need to be in an active two-way exchange of information and trust each other's leads.

Newell Blair

Small point about alliances. It is often hard to judge the value of a reliable alliance because a reliable alliance often deters enemy nations from undertaking hostile actions which they would have taken had the alliance not existed. It's far harder to see the absence of something -- hostile actions/wars not done-- than the quite visible constraints and failures of alliances.

ffxiv gil

In cases where terrorist networks are involved, it's even more critical. Cells operating in Hamburg or in Madrid aren't going to be detected or broken up if they don't threaten the country they're in, unless diplomatic pressure and alliances are quite strong.


rmtなどがそうだ。rmt リネージュ2これらMMORPGといわれるオンラインゲームは、リネージュ2 rmt1つのサーバーに数千人のプレイヤーが同時にログインしゲームを行なっている。ここでいうサーバーとは、物理的なサーバーではない。MMORPGでは、rmt とはサーバーやワールドと呼ばれる単位で複数の同じ世界が存在する。アトランティカ RMT3万人が同時に1つのサーバへアクセスすると処理が重くなってしまうrmt aion

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